Leadership and change

“One key to successful leadership is continuous personal change. Personal change is a reflection of our inner growth and empowerment.”— Robert E. Quinn


Change is an inescapable and uninterrupted feature of both social and organizational life to which we are subject in one form or another (Mullins 2013). There are several factors that forces people to change from an organization, which includes; unpredictable economic conditions, political interests, insufficiency of natural resources, rivalry from within the organization et cetera (Mullins 2013). But there could even be changes due to natural ageing processes like deterioration of machinery, buildings or staff retirement. However, there are people who are resistant to organizational changes. Some remain in the position they were until they get money which they consider to be of prior importance. Whereas for some, the impression of low-adaptability is one of the factors which tend to devote in separation or withdrawal of some from operation learning programs as they feel inferior to advanced situations (Sasikala and Anthonyraj 2015). Moreover, the competency among people with tremendous emotional intelligence, fear of unknown and previous contracts also creates resistance (Mullins 2013).


Fig 1: Change Management

(Source: Linkedin 2016)


What could be the roles adopted by managers to overcome and escape resistance to change?

Favorable management of change is apparently crucial for extended economic performance and competitiveness. For this purpose, the following aspects can be considered:

  • Better education and communication about the strategies and target of the organization in order to persuade understanding and responsibility (Jacoby 2011).
  • Managers can encounter resistance by contributing incentives and rewards to workers which could encourage them to be more productive (Jacoby 2011).
  • Being supportive by preparing guidance in modern skills, offering employees time off after stringent period or simply by hearing and maintaining emotional backing (Kotter and Schlesinger 2008).


One of the fundamental models in understanding organizational change was advanced by Kurt Lewin in the 1950’s known as Unfreeze-Change-Refreeze (TALMACIU, 2014)Within the literature, one of the best prominent prospect established as ‘planned approaches’ to transformation is that of Lewin which was endorsed for many years as the prevalent model for understanding the procedure of organizational change (Chow 2014). 

Despite its reputation, the framework has been denounced for being positioned to meager scale specimen, and predominantly the matter that it is based on presumptions that institutions perform under perpetual conditions which can be taken into discussion and prepared for (Barnard and Stoll 2010). Todnem (2005) proposed that this model provides extra focus on ‘change willingness and promotion for change’ than for arranging definite pre-prepared steps for every innovative program and initiative.


Fig 2: Lewin’s model of change


(Source: McNamara 2016)


Facebook as everyone is aware of is one of the top social networking sites which help connecting people all over the globe 24/7 with over 1.49 monthly active users(in 2015) (Noyes 2015). There were certain problems faced by the employees of Facebook which includes attitude and absence of professionalism at the company (Kinder 2013). In order to resolve this problem, Mark Zuckerberg adopted steps to identify the problem. The complaints included lengthy working hours, lack of privacy and focus and destitute attitude of superiors (Kinder 2013). In respect to the complaints, Mark Zuckerberg tried to collect data by communicating to them about the issue [Unfreeze stage]. By analyzing the complaints, Zuckerberg realized that a change was essential for the employee satisfaction. He tried motivating them with praises and rewards for their hard work, empowered them with a freedom to speak and make decisions by being transparent, created a friendly environment for work and rearranged rules within the organization for better employee gratification (Wagner 2014). After the implementation of these strategies, feedback sessions were conducted regularly to evaluate employee satisfaction and arranged group meetings to share and discuss new and attractive ideas [Refreeze] (Arthur 2014). 

The video below will provide a short summary on what actually change management is and what steps are to be adopted by the organization and managers to keep a sound and effective working environment for employees.


Video 1: What is change management?

(Source: Wedell 2011)


Change management encompasses considerate planning and responsive implementation, deliberation and involvement of people distressed by transitions. Problems arise if change is forced into someone. It has to be reasonable, attainable and measurable (Paton and McCalman 2008). I believe the best methods to manage change is through motivation which could either be recognition for hard work, responsibility and permission or feel of enjoyment and challenge. According to the Tesco’s Motivational Case study, motivation was considered to be an important factor. Tesco applied the motivational framework’s (Taylor’s motivational theory, Mayo effect and Maslow and Herzberg) which resulted in better production, acceptance of abilities, achievements, Psychological contract (specifies relationship between employer and his employee) and potential progress as, employees are motivated by various factors (Businesscasestudies 2016). This case study thus evidences that employee motivation is a predominant factor.

The manner in which leaders lead or confront change, the style on how they enlist their staff, decides the conditions of the organization that either supports trust and modernization or bolsters rigidity and defiance to change (Winn 2013).

  [782 words]





Arthur, C. (2014). Facebook emotion study breached ethical guidelines, researchers say. [online] the Guardian. Available at: http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/jun/30/facebook-emotion-study-breached-ethical-guidelines-researchers-say [Accessed 22 Mar. 2016].

Barnard, M. and Stoll, N. (2010). Organisational Change Management: A rapid literature review. [online] cubec. Available at: http://www.bristol.ac.uk/media-library/sites/cubec/migrated/documents/pr1.pdf [Accessed 22 Mar. 2016].

Businesscasestudies (2016). Introduction – Motivational theory in practice at Tesco – Tesco | Tesco case studies, videos, social media and information | Business Case Studies. [online] Available at: http://businesscasestudies.co.uk/tesco/motivational-theory-in-practice-at-tesco/introduction.html#axzz43hae96V5 [Accessed 22 Mar. 2016].

Carter McNamara, Odc2-scc-nnu.wikispaces (2016). ODC2-SCC-NNU – 10 Org. Change Mgmt. [online] Available at: http://odc2-scc-nnu.wikispaces.com/10+Org.+Change+Mgmt [Accessed 17 Mar. 2016].

Chow, A. (2014). Leading Change and the Challenges of Managing a Learning Organisation in Hong Kong. Journal of Management Research, [online] 6(2), pp.23-25. Available at: http://www.macrothink.org/journal/index.php/jmr/article/view/5147/4199 [Accessed 22 Mar. 2016].

Jacoby, J. (2011). Strategies for Managing Resistance to Change. [online] Emergent Journal. Available at: http://blog.emergentconsultants.com/2011/04/05/strategies-for-managing-resistance-to-change/ [Accessed 21 Mar. 2016].

Kinder, L. (2013). Facebook employees reveal the worst things about working for the social network. [online] Telegraph.co.uk. Available at: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/facebook/10282682/Facebook-employees-reveal-the-worst-things-about-working-for-the-social-network.html [Accessed 22 Mar. 2016].

Linkedin (2016). Change Management | LinkedIn. [online] Available at: https://www.linkedin.com/topic/change-management [Accessed 20 Mar. 2016].

Mullins, L. (2013). Management and Organisational Behaviour. 10th ed. FT Publishing International, p.711. [Accessed 20 Mar. 2016].

Mullins, L. (2013). Management and Organisational Behaviour. 10th ed. FT Publishing International, pp.711,712 [Accessed 20 Mar. 2016].

Mullins, L. (2013). Management and Organisational Behaviour. 10th ed. FT Publishing International, pp.716-718 [Accessed 20 Mar. 2016].

Noyes, A. (2015). Top 20 Facebook Statistics – Updated October 2015. [online] Zephoria Inc. Available at: https://zephoria.com/top-15-valuable-facebook-statistics/ [Accessed 22 Mar. 2016].

Paton, R. and McCalman, J. (2008). Change management: A guide to effective implementation. [online] Google. Available at: https://books.google.co.uk/books?hl=en&lr=&id=HA0FQOWx8ngC&oi=fnd&pg=PR5&dq=bbc+change+management+case+study&ots=DUxnYmRn5b&sig=Eb9Ocm225Wap15uTlb3LKR8XTdo#v=onepage&q&f=false [Accessed 22 Mar. 2016].

P.Kotter, J. and A. Schlesinger, L. (2008). Choosing Strategies for Change. [online] web.a.ebscohost.com. Available at: http://web.a.ebscohost.com/bsi/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?sid=36eecb18-5e11-4062-b2ba-69a1ea2b36b8%40sessionmgr4004&vid=33&hid=4001 [Accessed 21 Mar. 2016].

Sasikala, S. and Anthonyraj, S. (2015). Self-Efficacy, Emotional Intelligence And Organizational Commitment In Relation To Resistance To Change Among Employees. [online] http://web.a.ebscohost.com/. Available at: http://web.a.ebscohost.com/bsi/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?sid=36eecb18-5e11-4062-b2ba-69a1ea2b36b8%40sessionmgr4004&vid=27&hid=4001 [Accessed 20 Mar. 2016].

TALMACIU, I. (2014). Comparative Analysis of Different Models of Organizational Change. Valahian Journal of Economic Studies, [online] 5(4), pp.77-86. Available at: http://web.a.ebscohost.com/bsi/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?sid=01814e68-2376-4252-af23-1d3807b00344%40sessionmgr4003&vid=6&hid=4107 [Accessed 20 Mar. 2016].

Wagner, K. (2014). 8 Ways Facebook Changed the World. [online] Mashable. Available at: http://mashable.com/2014/02/04/facebook-changed-the-world/#GTjj93NbNmqF [Accessed 22 Mar. 2016].

Wedell, G. (2011). What is CHANGE MANAGEMENT?. [online] youtube. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__IlYNMdV9E [Accessed 22 Mar. 2016].


24 thoughts on “Leadership and change

  1. Wow, you are rocking now a days!!!!!!

    I am happy to see an improvement in your blog and writing style after each topic. The way you started the discussion was quite impressive. The use of figures and video were an added advantage to your work. I believe that the best kind of change comes when you envision, initiate and control it. That type of change creates opportunities, transforms companies and ignites growth. Otherwise, you’re facing with the damaging prospect of “change that happens in spite of you, rather than because of you.” I also had a small suggestion to put forward that you mentioned about the motivational theory applied to Tesco. It was good but I think you could have mentioned the name of the model and explained about it a bit more. But, I can understand the constraints of word limit. Anyways, it was an impressive piece of work and looking forward for more blogs from you.

    Best wishes

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Mr.Mathew Chacko for such motivational words. With respect to your suggestion, I made sure that at least I should be including the name of frameworks used by Tesco company. I hope my blog could add some meaning to your thinking and opinion.


  2. Hi Roshny,

    To begin with, I was firstly urged to read your blog because of your logo of Mahatma Gandhi with such an attractive quote. The way you choose your pictures and video were certainly a great support for your work which helped explain the concept in depth. According to my thinking, without change, business leaders still would be dictating correspondence to secretaries, editing their works and sending them back to the drawing board, wasting time for all involved. Ultimately, change tends to increase productivity and service technology which has also affected how we communicate. A change is always required to attain better goals.
    Like one of your previous comments, I too had a suggestion that you could have at least mentioned the name of the motivational framework as there are quite a few models and if you had mentioned it, it would have been more easier. Except that part, I think it was a good piece of work.
    All the best wishes for your upcoming work.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Joseph C Lonth was those rousing words and your standpoint. I apologize for not having explained the motivational framework which for readers who have less or no knowledge about the theory could have felt them to be more beneficial. I will definitely keep in mind to introduce each framework that I intend to apply.


  3. Hey Roshny,

    I get along with your first sentence which states that change is an inescapable and uninterrupted feature of both social and organizational life. Some people, with an aim of high achievement, take initiative for a change. Whereas, there are a set of people who are happy with the way they are and are unknowingly or forcefully pushed for a change. I liked the way you mentioned about the steps to be adopted by managers to overcome change as I too believe that it’s quite necessary. I enjoyed reading the Lewin’s framework applied to Facebook company. Although you had mentioned that the video provides a short summary of change management, I think you could have explained something in short about it. But, as a whole, I felt your blog was engaging and I’m eagerly waiting for your further updates.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Margaret Joseph for those supportive words. I’m happy to hear that there are people who have a similar way of thinking to mine and wished that all leaders behave ethically where they operate. Since I thought the video provides an explanation on what change management is, I restricted myself from explaining much keeping in mind the word count.


  4. A very sensible article on leadership and change. i have come across many articles regarding this topic but this is the first instance where there is something attractive element to it.To start of with, the picture of Mahatma Gandhi and also the quote. this itself makes people to read your blog. Change is inevitable in a society. success is when you cope up with the changes and moves on as a leader .A change is required to attain each ones personal goals. I loved the way you used the video presentations and photos. All together , its a very good and attractive article. KEEP IT UP

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Flourry,

      It makes me feel great on hearing such words from you. It actually makes me overjoyed to know that my blog inspired you and hope it could provide you with some additional knowledge. I robustly believe that no one is perfect and similarly there could be pros and cons in my blog which I would try developing.


  5. Hi Roshny Good work and such improvement in Blogging !!!

    To begin with you feel explained the the concept of this blog and included different example that helped me as a reader to fully understand leadership changes and the obstacles that A leader can face within its organisation. Well done. Including video and images helped also as it gave me as a reader a break from the reading.

    However, some more improvement is needed to make it better. For example I lied how to introduced the video at the end but for your first images you didn’t had an introduction that prepare the reader for what is next. illustrations are good but should be introduced to keep the flow with the text. Also if you can make your sentence a little bit shorter it will be great as a reader I need to take a break while reading but some of your sentence especially at the beginning are very long.

    But overall you did work and clearly to research and read about the topic a lot !!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you regraguk for those worthwhile comments. It makes me feel further confident to write my upcoming blogs. I would certainly take it into consideration to cut short my words and make them crisp and clear. Also, I will try introducing my images or videos to maintain a proper flow for readers.


  6. Hi Roshny,
    I’m very glad to have read your work. You have a very distinct perspective about managing change in organisations and I find it refreshing.
    However, I would like to know whether you think that Lewin’s model can be still applicable to the 21st century?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi culcvishnuvv,

      Thank you for such encouraging feedback. I certainly do believe that Lewin’s framework applies in this 21st century. The example I posted, Facebook it’s a high-profit making and well known social networking site which follows the theory. Similarly, twitter and many more examples can be provided to evidence that Lewin’s framework is used and is applicable within organization’s.


  7. This is a good piece of work regarding change.

    There are aspects that have been done very well. For example, the quote at the beginning of the page and from figure 1 and onwards has been summarised carefully with points reinforced by literature.

    However, as I reader I did not understand ‘some remain in the same position until they get money’. This should have been clarified further or written in another form as it is contradictory in itself.

    I would have liked to see more case studies and theories. Likewise, the structure could be improved and points could have been related together.

    Although with the improvements outlined, it has been an interesting piece of work and shows that you have researched well.

    Best regards

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Khairiya. It makes me jubilant on hearing those words from you. What i meant by ‘some remain in the same position until they get money’ is that, there are a set of people who consider money as the main motivational factor and they are happy with their work even if causes too much tension and pressure on them as long as they get their money (salary). It’s a point where I oppose to. It would be absolutely difficult for me to stay at a company where there is no freedom or run an organization as a leader where my employees are not given freedom. Thank you once again for your support and feedback.


  8. A very informative article which motivates us to change in a way to better adapt with our work surroundings. But though the title is ‘Leadership and Change ‘, i feel that the ‘leadership’ part is less emphasized. Moreover, ‘change’ is explained more with respect to organization. But indeed good work !

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Abhaya Joseph. All my blogs posted is basically about leadership and in this blog I meant to express how leaders act according to a changing environment or team.


  9. Nice work Roshny. I really liked the way you explained Lewin’s model of change using the Facebook example.The inclusion of inspiring quotes and the video about change management has helped in making your blog an interesting read.
    I personally felt that the introduction would have been simpler if it had smaller sentences.On the whole, great effort and best wishes.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Rinu Antony. It’s good to hear from you and will note to keep my points crisp and clear in order to avoid chaos or confusion for my readers.


  10. Roshny, You have done a great job in writing this blog. The logo of Mahatma Gandhi that you have included, quotes, video and pictures explains a lot about your topic. I felt that the pictorial representation of Lewin’s model of change was not self explanatory but the usage of Facebook example made it clear. Looking forward to more such blogs from you. Keep it up!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Divya Jolly. I selected the Lewin’s framework image with an intention that my readers could understand without my explanation. But, it makes me sad to hear that it didn’t work out well but, makes me cheerful since the example of Facebook applied to the framework helped you clear those doubts.


  11. Roshny you did a fantastic work

    Leadership is a combination of ability, hardwork, communication skill and commitment.
    Your piece of work is excellent and you have given a vast examples and narrations. it is really informative and interesting.

    Could have given more explanations and i thought you will share your thoughts on leadership. That was really missing from your blog.
    Good job and looking forward to see more from you.
    All the best!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Jose Mathew. I concede with your way of thinking on leadership. It absolutely was a great suggestion from your part that I could have included my view on leadership. I make sure that major emphasis will be given to my vision on leadership on my forthcoming blog.


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